This year the contest was a lot more challenging. Rain and wind and some more rain. But it turned out to be our best yet.
I got to the site early and started setting up. I only got the end fed up and then the rain came. I sat in my truck for a few hours waiting for it to pass. As more showed up and the rain let up, I realized I was missing an element for my Elk Log Periodic. I still have no idea what happened to it. Luckily, my friend WB7TIM has the same antenna and I was able to borrow his. That just meant I had to leave the hill and drive back to town to grab it. I didn’t make it back to the hilltop until 11pm.
I set up first thing in the morning. No testing time available. Just went right to it and the Ammo-Cansverter performed well.
Long story short…we battled rain and wind but we all did really well. I think we all ended up with our own personal best scores and number of QSO’s. The Sporadic-E openings on 6m really helped.
In the group:
Here are some pictures of the antenna set up:

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